screentogif audio
screentogif audio

It'sfundamentallyaGIFrecordingprogram,whichdoesn'tinvolveaudio.Theonlyvideocomponentisintheexportfunction,whichisjust ...,Icurrentlyhaveaneedtocapturetheregionofascreenwithaudio.I'mhopingtofindsomethingsimilartoScreenToGifinitssimplicity.,Ifyouar...



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about the audio recording

It's fundamentally a GIF recording program, which doesn't involve audio. The only video component is in the export function, which is just ...

Alternatives that include audio? : rscreentogif

I currently have a need to capture the region of a screen with audio. I'm hoping to find something similar to ScreenToGif in its simplicity.

Record video with sound? : rscreentogif

If you are using Windows 11, then you can use the built in Snipping Tool as a screen recorder that also captures the audio. It is not ...


Free screen recorder tool. Record, edit and save as a gif or video.


Free screen recorder tool, which lets you record, edit and save as a gif, video or other formats.

ScreenToGif - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

評分 5.0 (15) · 免費 · Windows Screen, webcam, and board recorder with an integrated editor. (Not compatible with Windows 10 S) Visit to see more of it.

ScreenToGif 2.41.1 免安裝中文版- 螢幕錄影並轉成GIF

螢幕錄影並轉成GIF - ScreenToGif,功能強大的GIF動畫圖片製作工具,具有螢幕錄影、網路攝影機錄影、繪圖板錄影功能,螢幕錄影可以自訂範圍或直接用拖曳 ...

ScreenToGif 2.41.1 免安裝版for 64-bit : 軟體王2025

ScreenToGif是一個功能強大的軟體,可以用於在Windows電腦上記錄和剪輯螢幕影片。它支援多種輸入方式,包括螢幕截圖、攝影機、音訊和圖片。此外,它還支援對剪輯好的影片進行 ...

ScreenToGif 錄製螢幕畫面成為gif 檔案的實用開源工具

能夠將螢幕上的操作結果錄製成輕便的gif 圖檔,使用gif 的好處不僅是以連續畫面的方式便於說明,同時也不像影片檔受瀏覽工具的限制並且檔案大小也很輕量 ...

Sound · Issue #7 · NickeManarinScreenToGif

ScreenToGif was initially planed to be a small screen recorder that creates gifs (soundless).


It'sfundamentallyaGIFrecordingprogram,whichdoesn'tinvolveaudio.Theonlyvideocomponentisintheexportfunction,whichisjust ...,Icurrentlyhaveaneedtocapturetheregionofascreenwithaudio.I'mhopingtofindsomethingsimilartoScreenToGifinitssimplicity.,IfyouareusingWindows11,thenyoucanusethebuiltinSnippingToolasascreenrecorderthatalsocapturestheaudio.Itisnot ...,Freescreenrecordertool.Record,editandsaveasag...

ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔

ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔
